Continuing Year of Real Presence at St. Ambrose Church
Every Tuesday, Eucharistic Adoration will be offered starting at 8:00AM until the beginning of Mass. Confessions will also be offered from 8:00AM until 8:20AM.
Every Third Wednesday, join us for Eucharistic Expostion and Adoration from 3:45PM until 4:45PM. Confessions will also be offered at this time from 4:00PM until 4:30PM.
Every First Saturday, there will be Adoration from 3:30PM until 4:30PM. Confessions will continue to be heard from 3:30PM until 4:00PM.
The recitation of the Rosary will be offered before our Daily Masses, and the Chaplet of Divine Mercy will be prayed after the Masses.
" this Year of the Real Presence, I ask you to go frequently before the Most Blessed Sacrament, Christ really present in the Holy Eucharist, and beg Him to send generous young men to answer the call to the Priesthood. This is the task of each one of us: to encourage a generous response to a vocation in the hearts of our young men and their parents. Before the Most Blessed Sacrament, seek to identify a young man in your parish and tell him you see in him a potential vocation. Encourage parents to be generously supportive of a son who expresses a desire to enter the seminary. Pray for our current seminarians that they continue to discern and deepen their call to the priestly vocation." - Bishop Schlert
Join us, every Tusday as we pray for vocations.
To find out more out the Year of Real Presence, please visit