Liturgical Ministries

Liturgical Ministries

The words minister and liturgy come from words in two ancient languages which both mean to serve.  As a liturgical minister, you are serving in several ways:

  • serving the priest by helping him preside over the liturgy
  • serving your parish family by helping everyone to worship and celebrate in the best possible way
  • serving God through your worship and prayer

Liturgical Ministries at St. Ambrose

Altar Servers - As an altar server, you are one of the liturgical ministers, a group of people who have special tasks to perform during liturgies, especially during the Eucharist, the central worship that we do as God's family.  Altar servers must have received First Holy Communion in order to serve.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion - Extraordinary Ministers (E. M.) were formerly known as Eucharistic Ministers. "Extraordinary" Ministers are not above being Ordinary (special or magnificent) but are extra people to help the celebrant of the Liturgy distribute the Body and Blood of our Lord when there are not enough ordained priests or deacons present.
To become an Extraordinary Minister of the Holy Eucharist one must be in good standing In the Church, i.e., be baptized, be a  member of the parish, be in a valid marriage or living a chaste life outside of marriage, etc.An Extraordinary Ministers can also act as a Sacristant- one who prepares the altar for the Celebration of the Liturgy. Responsibilities include filling the crucibles with water and wine, placing unconsecrated hosts on the paten, lighting the candles, and setting the Lectionary to the readings for the day.
Extraordinary Ministers can also help our Pastor by taking Holy Communion to Catholic residents of various nursing homes within our parish boundaries and to members of our parish who are no longer able to come to Mass

Greeters and Hospitality - We greet everyone who enters our church doors.  We say goodbye and wish you well when you leave.  Our goal is to make you feel welcome and special with a smile.  "I was a stranger and you welcomed me."  Matthew 25:34-35.  Anyone from kindergarten age and older may serve in this ministry. 

Lectors - The lector proclaims the true and saving word of God. Those who serve offer the story of the 'great things the Lord has done for us' that we might turn to the table of Eucharist with good cause to give thanks and praise.

Live Stream - Live stream and manage the audio at our Masses and other events in our state of the art live stream room. 

Sacristans - A behind-the-scenes position that makes the priest's job on Sundays less stressful.  The sacristan carefully arranges and/or prepares liturgical books, vessels and whatever is needed for the liturgy.

Other ministries include Music Ministry, Cantors, and Ushers

For more information about serving in our liturgies, please call the rectory at 570-385-1031.

A Server's Prayer

Loving Father, creator of the universe,

You call your people to worship,

To be with you and each other in prayer.

Help me, for You have called me also.

Keep me prayerful and alert.

Thank you for the trust you've placed in me.

Keep me true to that trust.

I make my prayer in Jesus' name,

Who is with us in the Spirit.
