Circle of Grace

Dear Parent/Guardian,

We will be presenting the yearly Circle of Grace Child Protection Catechesis Training to ALL PREP families on Sunday, November 17th at 9:20 am in the Parish Center. Grade-appropriate modules are designed for K - 12 students. This training emphasizes dignity and respect for one’s body, appropriate boundaries, and awareness of child protection topics. Children learn to recognize when they are safe or unsafe and know how to bring their concerns, fears, and uncertainties to the trusted adults in their lives.

Circle of Grace equips children with essential knowledge and safety skills rooted in the Catholic faith. Genesis 1:27 tells us that we are created “male and female in God’s image” and God saw this as “very good.” In that goodness, we are meant to respect ourselves and everyone else as persons created and loved by God.

Circle of Grace assists the children in recognizing God’s love by helping them to understand that each of us lives and moves in a Circle of Grace. One can imagine their own Circle of Grace by putting their arms above their head and then circling down in front of their body, including side to side. This circle holds our very essence in mind, heart, soul, and sexuality. Circle of Grace brings God into the center of child protection catechesis by teaching God’s presence and assistance in difficult or confusing situations, respect for self and others, and skills for good decision making.

Parents/Guardians are invited to preview the lessons by contacting the D.R.E. If you do not wish for your child to receive this Circle of Grace Child Protection Catechesis Training within PREP, please submit a written request to the office no later than November 15th. 

Families who opt out of the in-person session, are absent on the date of the in-person session or participate in PREP in the home setting (Homeschool) must complete the lesson at home and submit the lesson evaluation form for each child's respective lesson.

We look forward to providing the children with this important training. Please contact me if you have any questions about the Circle of Grace program or child protection catechesis in the Diocese of Allentown. The safety of our students is always a top priority.

Sincerely Yours in Christ,

Mary Ellen Johns
Director of Religious Education

2024 Adult Discussion Topic: Gender Ideology

When our young people move to their peer groups, the adults will discuss gender ideology and responding in truth and love.


NEW: ClaritasU interview with Dr. Michelle Cratella, Executive Director of the American College of Pediatricians, expert in gender dysphoria as it affects children

NEW: American College of Pediatricians: "Affirming Your Daughter's and Son's Sexual Identity"

NEW: Exposing Gender Ideology and Responding with Grace with Jason Evert (full video)

NEW: Protecting Your Children from Gender Ideology at School--Back to School Guide for Parents (Family Policy Alliance and Focus on the Family)

Book--Beyond the Birds and the Bees: Raising Sexually Whole and Holy Kids  Greg and Lisa Popcak  (Ascension Press)

Book--Male. Female. Other: A Catholic Guide to Understanding Gender   Jason Evert  (Totus Tuus)

Parent Resources (Person & Identity Project Website)

Parents FAQs (Person & Identity Project Website)

Explaining Transgender to Kids (Catholic Answers article)

Responding to Transgender Ideology (Sophia Institute)

Concrete Help for Teachers and Parents (Sophia Institute)

The Transgender Movement: What Catholics Need to Know (EWTN Miniseries)

Counselors & Therapists

For Younger Children

Podcast: Theology of the Body Series

For Teens & Young Adults

Life Teen Article: What the Catholic Church Wants the Transgender Communtiy to Know