Mass Times

Weekend Masses

Saturday - 5:00PM

Sunday - 8:15AM and 10:30AM

Daily Mass

Monday-Friday - 8:30AM

First Friday - 12:30PM

Holy Days

Please refer to the weekly bulletin found here

Online Mass

Visit our YouTube Channel, St. Ambrose Church Schuylkill Haven, to view the live streamed Masses. 

Private Prayer in the Chapel

The chapel is open during the week for private prayer.  The doors on the rectory side of the church open at 8:00AM and close at 3:30PM Monday through Friday.

Confession Schedule

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is offered on Saturdays from 3:30PM-4:00PM, Tuesday mornings from 8:00AM-8:20AM, and on First Fridays from 12:00PM - 12:20PM.