THANK YOU for your interest in sharing your time and talents with the young people at St. Ambrose.
To help you track your compliance, please refer to the Safe Environment Requirements Checklist. In addition, direct links to cited background check websites and diocesan policies are included below.
All volunteers who are reasonably expected to come into contact with young people are required to read and sign the following policies:
- Diocese of Allentown Sexual Abuse Policy
- Diocese of Allentown Code of Conduct (UPDATED)
- Diocese of Allentown Social Media & Electronic Communication Policy
- Child Protective Services Law policy for the Diocese of Allentown.
PA State Police Criminal Record Check
CLICK HERE to register.
PA Child Abuse History Clearance
CLICK HERE to register.
FBI Fingerprint Criminal Background Check
- Complete the Diocese of Allentown Background Check Authorization form and submit to the local safe environment coordinator.
- The local safe environment coordinator will then provide an instruction sheet containing a unique, one-time payment code.
- CLICK HERE to register.
- After registering online and having your fingerprint scanned, submit the receipt to the local safe environment coordinator. DO NOT PHOTOCOPY THE RECEIPT! The paper is photosensitive. Scanning will not destroy the receipt. When the original results arrive via mail, submit the original results to the local safe environment coordinator.
Nat'l Sex Offender Registry Clearance
As more dioceses and organizations are requiring the National Sex Offender Registry background check, the Diocese of Allentown will begin implementing this requirement during the 2022-2023 school year for anyone working directly with children. The one-page NSOR clearance is free and must be sent directly to Childline. Select the 4th option in the Purpose section: "Volunteer of a child-care provider, group daycare home or family child care home." It takes approximately two weeks to receive your clearance. Present the results to the Local Safe Environment Coordinator.
Protecting God's Children
Attend a Virtual Protecting God's Children Session and submit the Certificate of Attendance to the Safe Environment Coordinator. Click HERE for instructions.
Mandated Reporter Training
ALL employees as well as those volunteers who have direct contact with children are required to complete Mandated Reporter Training.
Directions for Protecting God's Children and Mandated Reported Training
All forms must be submitted to the Parish Office.