St. Ambrose School
1914 - 1986
Fifty one girls and forty eight boys were enrolled in the school. The first commencement was held on Sunday, June 24, 1917, following the ten o'clock Mass. To Miss Frances Dalton and Miss Mildred Reiff belongs the honor of being the entire first graduating class.
In 1928, Father John J. Carr authorized the building of a school and an auditorium at 214 North Margaretta Street at a cost of $48,000. Classes continued on a small scale with only five students graduating as late as 1941. With an increase of enrollment in the late 1950s, Father Donohue reactivated two classrooms in the basement of the church on Dock Street.
Under the direction of Father Alfred Ott, a 14-acre tract of land off East Main Street in North Manheim Township was purchased in 1971. This land was to be utilized for the relocation of the church, school and rectory.
Saint Ambrose School
The first lay principal, Miss Mary Lou Casserly (Mrs. Michaels), was hired in 1985. Recognizing the need for a new school, Father Francis J. Schuster supervised the building of the present St. Ambrose School and adjacent parish center. On September 3, 1986, the school opened its doors and on September 14, 1986, it was dedicated by Bishop Thomas J. Welsh. Due to the changing role of the Sisters of St. Joseph, Saint Ambrose School began the 1987 school term with an all lay faculty. The school was accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools on October 23, 1992. Mrs. Anne B. Curry took over the position of Principal in August 2001 and retired in July of 2012. Mr. Thomas Camise was the principal August 2012-2013. Mr. Thomas Camise and Dr. Mary Lou Michaels shared the principal position in 2013 - 2014. Mrs. Carol Boyer served as the principal 2015 - 2019.
After 104 years of quality education and faith formation, St. Ambrose School closed permanently on June 7, 2019.